In a session, sound is used as a tool to clear blocked/stale energy and then replenished with positive, wholesome vibrations. I use sound healing instruments such as quarts crystal singing bowls, bells, gongs, drum and medicine melody, along with alchemical tuning forks which I place on certain energy centers of the body and work much like acupuncture to clear the bodily channels so energy can flow more freely.

My method also integrates an intuitive blend of of bodywork, reiki, guided visualization, breath work + essential oils. Each session also begins with a rattle aura and angel tuner cleanse + vocal toning body scan.


*Ayurvedic lifestyle sessions include individual constitutional assessment (prakruti) and explore personal lifestyle choices such as nutrition and daily activities including yoga asana, (posture) pranayama (breathing exercises) and meditations to embrace and harmonize with one's own unique nature.